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My Wholesomelyfe

The dictionary defines WHOLESOME as •conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being. •conducive to or promoting moral well-being.

In life everyone achieves wholesome living in different ways. For me it began when I embarked on my spiritual journey, five years ago. In the last five years, I have become in tune with the universe and all the beautiful nature around us. I have changed many bad habits, my diet, my perspectives and have rewired my brain in so many ways. This journey will be lifelong and I want to share all that I have learned and will learn with anyone who wants to listen. If I help at least one person change their life, then I have done what I was put on earth to do.

Everyone will find a wholesome life in their own way. For me it was through connecting with the universe. Regardless of what the journey may look like for you, we all strive for the same goal: to find love, peace, health and happiness.

Thank you for joining me on this beautiful journey.

Suzana 🌻

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